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Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH

Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH
Spring Hayes Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, is a graduate of Florida State College at Jacksonville, and she holds licensure in Florida, Louisiana, and Alabama. Spring is on the Advisory Board and holds the position of Continuing Education Manager at Today’s RDH. Her passion is elevating the dental hygiene profession through science, education, and clinical excellence. In her free time, she loves traveling, reading, and spending time with her husband, children, and the animals at her useless animal farm. She can be reached via email at Spring@TodaysRDH.com

QUIZ: Test Your Prophylactic Antibiotics Knowledge

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Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 4: Monkeypox & Dentistry

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses monkeypox, including the history, virology, and pathophysiology, as well as the...

Researchers Use Teeth to Discover the Origin of Herpes Simplex Virus

According to the World Health Organization, several billion people globally are infected with the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1).1 Determining the origin and changes that...

QUIZ: Oral Manifestations of Infectious Diseases

Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Now Check Out the Self-Study, Peer-Reviewed CE Courses...

Quorum Sensing Research Hopes to Reduce Antibiotic Use and Oral Biofilm

Bacteria. Can't live with them. Can't live without them. Commensal bacteria keep us healthy; they provide essential nutrients, defend against colonization of pathogens, are...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 3: New Discoveries of Head & Neck Physiology

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses new discoveries of head and neck physiology. Give it a watch, and...

Dental Hygienists at Risk for Developing Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome

Dental professionals frequently report musculoskeletal pain, especially in the upper extremities. A study published in 2021 showed that 92.6% of participants (n=229 dentists) suffered...

An Overview of Monkeypox for Dental Hygienists & Other Dental Professionals

Editor’s Note: The current monkeypox outbreak is an on-going situation. We have made every attempt to ensure this article is up-to-date at the time...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 2: Fair Wages for Dental Hygienists

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses fair wages for dental hygienists. Give it a watch, and make sure...

The Surprising Science Behind Baking Soda Toothpaste

Disclosure: This article is sponsored by ARM & HAMMER™. Some dental professionals believe that baking soda toothpaste is abrasive. This is empirically false, and, as...

Ionocyte Cells: New Discovery Hints at Promise for Salivary Gland Repair

Ionocyte Cells New discoveries about the human body are amazing, and they become more fascinating when it applies to dental professionals’ specific areas of interest...

QUIZ: Test your Medical Errors Knowledge

Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Now Check Out the Self-Study, Peer-Reviewed CE Courses...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 1: Medical Errors

We are super excited to announce a new show from Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH – Curiosity Killed the Plaque! A new episode of Curiosity...

Wage Wars: Hygienists Should Calculate Fair Wages and Know Their Worth

A shortage of dental hygienists has led to some discord between dental hygienists and dentists, mainly focusing on wages. Both sides have important observations...

QUIZ: Test your Microbiology Knowledge

Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Now Check Out the Self-Study, Peer-Reviewed CE Courses...

Nurse’s Conviction: Could Hygienists be Criminally Prosecuted for Errors?

Nurses and nurse practitioners across the country closely followed the RaDonda Vaught case. Vaught was a registered nurse working at Vanderbilt University Medical Center....

OraVerse®: How to Help Dental Patients Rebound from ‘Numb Feeling’ Faster

Disclosure: This article is sponsored content from Septodont as part of our sponsored partner program. During my early years in dentistry, I was a dental assistant...

The Close Relationship between Oral Allergy Syndrome and Seasonal Allergies

Oral Allergy Syndrome
Seasonal allergies can be dreadful. Everyone seems to be affected to some degree. Did you know that certain seasonal allergies can cause oral symptoms...

QUIZ: Test your Air Polishing Knowledge

Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Now Check Out the Self-Study, Peer-Reviewed CE Courses...

4 Ways Pregnancy Affects Oral Health

A woman goes through many changes during the nine months of pregnancy. It is always exciting to see the first signs of a baby...