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Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH

Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH
Spring Hayes Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, is a graduate of Florida State College at Jacksonville, and she holds licensure in Florida, Louisiana, and Alabama. Spring is on the Advisory Board and holds the position of Continuing Education Manager at Today’s RDH. Her passion is elevating the dental hygiene profession through science, education, and clinical excellence. In her free time, she loves traveling, reading, and spending time with her husband, children, and the animals at her useless animal farm. She can be reached via email at Spring@TodaysRDH.com

Don’t Let ALARA Discourage You from Obtaining Necessary Radiographic Images

ALARA is an acronym that stands for "as low as reasonably achievable." It is the concept health care professionals use to reduce radiation exposure...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 9: Ethics of Using Live Patients for Clinical Dental Boards

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses the  ethics of using live patients for clinical dental boards. Give it...

An Open Letter to Patients about Your Dental Insurance

Dear patients with dental insurance, There is no easy way to say this. So I'll just be straight with you. Your insurance company is not...

QUIZ: Test Your Historical Women in Dentistry Knowledge

Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Now Check Out the Self-Study, Peer-Reviewed CE Courses...

We Don’t Need a Dental Hygiene Union: Know Your Rights as Employees

A statement I've heard from multiple hygienists across the country is that dental hygienists need a union. Unfortunately, that is unlikely to happen for...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 8: Utilizing Critical Thinking Skills in Dentistry

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses the importance of utilizing critical thinking skills in dentistry. Give it a...

QUIZ: Test Your Burning Mouth Syndrome Knowledge

Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Now Check Out the Self-Study, Peer-Reviewed CE Courses...

Mission-Ready: Military Hygienist Serves Her Country and Those Who Serve

Many dental hygienists may overlook multiple aspects of the profession, such as those who serve in the military. During dental hygiene school, one of...

Open House: Alicia Morris Helps Children with Autism Feel Comfortable with Hygiene Appointments

So many dental hygienists are trailblazers who never get the recognition they deserve. It seems the same key opinion leaders receive the awards distributed...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 7: Checking Your State’s Dental Practice Act

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses the importance of checking your state's Dental Practice Act, how often...

QUIZ: Test Your Periodontium Knowledge

Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Now Check Out the Self-Study, Peer-Reviewed CE Courses...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 6: CDT Codes for Dental Hygienists to Implement

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses CDT codes for dental hygienists to implement. Give it a watch, and...

QUIZ: Test Your Anxiety and Pain Control Knowledge to Help Patients

Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Now Check Out the Self-Study, Peer-Reviewed CE Courses...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 5: Current Protocols in Root Planing, Subgingival Irrigation, and FMD

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses current protocols in root planing, subgingival irrigation, and full mouth debridement. Give...

QUIZ: Test Your Dental Hygiene Profession Knowledge

Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Now Check Out the Self-Study, Peer-Reviewed CE Courses...

Dental Practice Acts: How Often Should Dental Hygienists Review Them?

Questions abound on social media regarding what is allowed to occur in the dental office, ranging from "Can assistants polish?" to "When the dentist...

Oral Cancer: HPV-related Small Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx

HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer is becoming more widely discussed in literature and dental offices. Over the past 30 years, we have learned more about HPV’s...

Refresher on Different Types of Scientific Studies and Their Clinical Relevance

Practicing clinicians must understand the differences in the types of dental research and clinical relevance when reading and reviewing scientific literature. This awareness helps...

6 Underutilized CDT Codes for Dental Hygiene Treatment

The one thing I wished I had learned in hygiene school was how to understand current dental terminology (CDT) codes better. However, this wasn't...

Chiari Malformation: Identifying Potential Oral Health Symptoms in Dental Patients

Chiari malformation is a condition in which the brain tissue extends into the spinal canal. Many cases are asymptomatic and only discovered due to...