Home Authors Posts by Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH

Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH

Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH
Spring Hayes Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, is a graduate of Florida State College at Jacksonville, and she holds licensure in Florida, Louisiana, and Alabama. Spring is on the Advisory Board and holds the position of Continuing Education Manager at Today’s RDH. Her passion is elevating the dental hygiene profession through science, education, and clinical excellence. In her free time, she loves traveling, reading, and spending time with her husband, children, and the animals at her useless animal farm. She can be reached via email at Spring@TodaysRDH.com

QUIZ: Test Your Radiation Safety Knowledge

  Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Before you leave, check out the Today's RDH self-study CE...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 15: Dental Related Infections that Can Lead to Serious Complications

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, dives into dental related infections that can lead to serious complications and...

Nano Silver Fluoride: A Possible Solution to Preventing and Arresting Dental Caries?

nano silver fluoride
Historically, one of the most challenging dental diseases to manage has been dental caries. The prevalence of untreated dental caries between 2017-2020 is estimated...

QUIZ: Test Your Knowledge of Cultural Sensitivity in the Dental Office

  Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Before you leave, check out the Today's RDH self-study CE...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 14: Informed Consent

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses informed consent. Give it a watch, and make sure to subscribe to...

Dental Radiology: New Recommendations for Patient Lead Shielding

Radiographs are an important aspect of providing comprehensive patient care in dentistry. Though many patients balk at the idea of getting radiographs, it’s imperative...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 13: The Concept of ALARA

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses the concept of ALARA. Give it a watch, and make sure to...

QUIZ: Test Your Oral-Systemic Link Knowledge

  Are you in need of CE credits? If so, check out our peer-reviewed, self-study CE courses here. Before you leave, check out the Today's RDH self-study CE...

6 Case Studies Looking at the Oral Manifestations of Long COVID

Editor’s Note: As new research emerges, information about COVID-19 can change. We have made every attempt to ensure this article is up to date...

What the Research Shows Regarding the Efficacy of Dental Whitening Options

Almost every patient visiting a dental hygienist wants whiter teeth. I wish I had a dollar for every chief complaint that I described as...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 12: The Rights of Dental Hygienists as Employees

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses the rights dental hygienists have as employees. Give it a watch, and...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 11: Traumatic Occlusion in Multiple Oral Conditions

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses the role of traumatic occlusion in multiple oral conditions. Give it a...

Unveiling the Oral Connection: High Blood Pressure, Foam Cells, and Periodontal Disease

Patients often inquire about why I take vital signs at their dental appointments. I respond that the mouth is connected to the rest of...

Can the APOE4 Gene Connect the Dots Between Cardiovascular and Periodontal Disease?

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), no gene has been identified that has a large impact on periodontal disease.1 Nonetheless, we see this...

Articaine vs. Lidocaine: A Comparison of Local Anesthetics

Disclosure: This article is sponsored content from Septodont as part of our sponsored partner program. Pain management is arguably one of the most important aspects of...

How to Make Effective Oral Health Recommendations to Dental Patients

Disclosure: This article is sponsored content from LISTERINE® as part of our sponsored partner program. As dental hygienists, our primary role is as disease prevention...

Diabetes Mellitus: Oral Health Complications and Dental Treatment Considerations

In 2021, the International Diabetes Federation estimated that 537 million people are living with diabetes, and another 541 million people have impaired glucose tolerance.1...

5 Reasons Dental Patients May Suffer from Halitosis

Halitosis is a concern for many dental patients. As a matter of fact, about 50% of the U.S. population suffers from halitosis. Halitosis can...

Curiosity Killed the Plaque Ep. 10: What We Know About Black Line Stain

In this episode of Curiosity Killed the Plaque, Spring Hatfield, RDH, BSPH, discusses all things black line stain. Give it a watch, and make sure...

Ludwig’s Angina: A Life-threatening Emergency Requiring Immediate Dental Treatment

Historical medicine and dentistry are fascinating. It gives a starting point that can be traced to current treatment modalities and prevention, as well as...