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Nick Timko, BSME, RDH

Nick Timko, BSME, RDH
Nick Timko, BSME, RDH, has an Engineering Science degree from SUNY Broome Community College in Binghamton, New York, and a Mechanical Engineering degree from Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. He became an Advisory Engineer at IBM Corporation, designing computer cooling systems and later writing IBM Standards as the site Location Standards Authority for hardware, software, and manufacturing standards. Nick earned his first and second level Invention Achievement Awards for his designs and his first and second level Author’s Recognition Awards, publishing over 20 papers for both internal IBM use and also for external publication in trade press magazines. In 1993, he took a leave of absence from IBM and re-careered, once again at SUNY Broome, becoming a Registered Dental Hygienist. He worked for Carman Family Dentistry in Endicott, New York, where he wrote 192 monthly newsletters on dental topics of interest to patients. He has published four books on topics such as the Czech Velvet Revolution of 1989, Alzheimer’s Disease, and his two careers in engineering and dental hygiene. He currently serves on SUNY Broome’s Dental Hygiene Advisory Council. He spent many years performing as a drummer and currently enjoys painting as a hobby.

Saliva: The Miraculous Biofluid Aids Dental Patients’ Battle Against Oral Disease

Saliva is far more than an occasional nuisance ‒ the embarrassing, watery drool that drips off your lower lip when you least expect it....

Miswak Chewing Sticks: Can Toothbrushes Grow on Trees?

Can toothbrushes grow on trees? Yes, they can, and they’ve grown on trees for thousands of years. The World Health Organization recommends that they...

Hygienists Treat Epidemics Daily – Helping Dental Patients Understand is Pivotal

The purposes of a thorough patient health history are discussed by Vavrosky.1 When that thorough health history is combined with an educational session tailored...