Home Authors Posts by Melissa Turner, BASDH, RDH, EFDA

Melissa Turner, BASDH, RDH, EFDA

Melissa Turner, BASDH, RDH, EFDA
MELISSA TURNER, BASDH, RDH, EFDA, has practiced clinically across the country and is a valued thought leader and dental advisor. She is executive moderator of the Dental Peeps Network and has vast experience providing direct services as a mobile clinician. She launched I Heart Mobile Dentistry, a Facebook support group for clinicians practicing mobile dentistry, and is co-founder of the first annual National Mobile Dentistry Conference on February 28-29, 2020 in Orlando, Florida. Melissa can be reached at MelissaTurnerLLC [at] gmail.com.

A Visit to a Mobile Dental Clinic Manufacturer

Many of my endeavors are for educating and advocating for the utilization of the mobile dentistry delivery model. Consequently, I was very excited when...

A Hygienist’s 10-year Anniversary: Discouraged to Delighted

To some, ten years seems like a lifetime. To others, it goes by in the blink of an eye. As I come upon my...

Discover Your Calling at the National Mobile Dentistry Conference

You have worked incredibly hard to get where you are as a dental hygienist, investing time and money into your degree, keeping current on...

License Portability for the Dental Hygienist: The Struggle is Real

When I celebrated my fifth year as a licensed dental hygienist, I had already practiced clinically in four different states. At one point, I...

My Plight with Opioids and What Other Hygienists Can Learn

Last week was an adventurous one, at best. One day I woke up with a stiff neck. Typical, nothing fancy, nothing unusual. But it...

#LoveInTheWorkplace – Join the Movement!

When was the last time you let yourself love others at work? I mean really, truly love. I mean the kind of love that...

New Year, New You Part 3: Highlighting Karen Webster and Tri City Health Partnership

Typically, by this time each year the novelty of a brand-new year has worn off, and we find ourselves well on our way back...

New Year, New You Part 2: Highlighting Angela Craig and the Non-profit D-DENT

We are now well into 2019… how are those New Year resolutions holding up? Are you still going strong? Or have you given up...

New Year, New You: A Resolution for Dental Hygienists

Once again, another new year is upon us! For some of the lucky ones, a new year is a time of hope, inspiration, and...

A New Era of Temping for the Dental Hygienist

Flexible schedules. Independence. Zero benefits. What do all these have in common? The answer: temping! Whether you consider temping to be a regular part of...

Dental Hygienists, Downtime, and Scrubbing Toilets

For many dental hygienists, downtime in your clinical schedule is a bittersweet concept—too much of it and you risk a cut in hours, too...

5 Myths About Independent Dental Hygiene Practice

Independence. From the time a baby takes those first, wobbly, independent steps, to nations fighting wars over freedom and independence, the “i” word frequently...

5 MORE Non-Traditional Career Opportunities for Dental Hygienists

Are you burned out from working traditional, clinical dental hygiene day in and day out? Let’s be real, full-time clinical hygiene is hard on...

5 Non-Traditional Career Opportunities for Dental Hygienists

Let’s face it, as dental hygienists we love what we do! But scaling teeth day in and day out, week after week, can get...

Dental Hygienists & The Future of the Virtual Dental World

Join us as we conclude our series, Social Media for the Dental Professional. In Part 1, we discussed social media dos and don’ts. In...

Using Social Media to Advance Your Dental Hygiene Career

Join us as we embark on a series: Social Media for the Dental Professional. In Part 1 we discussed what not do on social...

Top 10 Essentials for Every Hygienist’s Toolkit

It takes years of trial and error for a dental hygienist to assemble the perfect arsenal of supplies, equipment, and techniques which allow him...

Social Media Dos and Don’ts for the Dental Professional

Join us as we embark on a series, Social Media for the Dental Professional. In this series, we will discuss what not to do...

The Many Lives of the Mysterious Full Mouth Debridement

What is full mouth debridement and when exactly are we supposed to do it? Ask a variety of clinicians, and you will receive a...

A New Love Affair with Teledentistry

Clinical teledentistry made its debut with the United States military in 1994 but has surprisingly remained absent from our professional lives until recently1. Now,...