Kristen King, RDH, BS
Oral Impact on Arthritis: A Review for Dental Hygienists
In 400 B.C., Hippocrates suggested that pulling teeth could cure arthritis.1 Was he a total whack job, or was he on to something? He...
A New Year, a New Microbiome: Helping Patients Regain Oral Health
Ahh, the holidays. We love them and look forward to them each year. They start as early as October when ghost, goblin, and pumpkin-decorated...
5 Benefits of Fee-for-Service vs. Dental Insurance From a Dental Hygienist’s Perspective
What are some top phrases that make hygienists want to pick up their full tray of instruments and fling it straight at the wall?...
Patient Referrals: Systemic Links Encourage Hygienists to Collaborate with Other Providers
Hygienists are always looking to improve the lives and health of dental patients, and we are master educators in all things oral health. We...
Sugar in Your Blood May Be More Important Than Your Mouth
Yes, you read that title right. But what does that even mean? Generally speaking, people still think the way you get decay is by...
Dental Microscope Brings Macro Results: Building Value with Oral Pathogen Analysis
A few years ago, our dental office implemented a microscope for the hygiene room. Game changer! I had no idea what a profound impact...
Holistic Hygiene: Is It Dental Hygiene for Hippies?
What do you think of when you hear the word holistic? Hippies? Patchouli? Herbs? Crystals? Someone who doesn’t shave or wear deodorant? The Oxford...