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Katrina Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF

Katrina Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF
Katrina M Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF, is a graduate and recipient of countless awards from the University of Minnesota’s School of Dentistry Division of Dental Hygiene. She is proud to currently serve on the Alumni Society for one of the most prestigious dental schools in the country.

Upon moving to Phoenix, Arizona, Katrina sought opportunities to extend patient awareness beyond her operatory by exploring and performing non-traditional clinical roles such as developing outreach programs to further educate targeted populations. Katrina coordinated and implemented educational programs through participating schools and their districts as well as holistic grocery stores.

Katrina’s professional career emerged as an educator when she attained full-time employment with a career college in Phoenix, Arizona. During her time in these capacities, Katrina spearheaded curriculum design, redesigned program objectives, and created policy manuals. A physical manifestation of Katrina’s commitment to her profession is in the development of her textbook, Introduction to the Dental Hygiene Profession. Katrina has also been contracted to create curriculum for Bachelor’s degree completion and nationally recognized continuing education coursework in local anesthesia.

Katrina proudly received her Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership with distinction through Northern Arizona University as a Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society distinguished member. Her graduate degree led her to found Sanders Board Preparatory in which she has developed and implemented a 100% pass-rate National Board Preparatory course offered to the dental hygiene students preparing for their National Boards.

Currently, Katrina is a distinguished speaker with Dental Hygiene Culture as she lectures nationally in a variety of dental hygiene continuing education content. She also speaks internationally as a keynote speaker with Smiles At Sea and spoke as a finalist in Dentistry’s Got Talent 2017 and 2018. Katrina is also a content writer for Dentaltown Magazine and serves on the editorial board of ModernHygienist.com, a website dedicated to helping the dental hygiene community flourish and succeed.

Katrina still enjoys clinical dental hygiene practice in Phoenix, Arizona, and spends her free time at her Jazzercise gym, snuggling with her rescue dogs and studying for her level I wine sommelier certification. She hopes to begin her Ph.D. studies in 2019. www.katrinamsandersrdh.com. @MsSandersRDH

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