Kara Vavrosky, RDHEP
Ask Kara RDH: What is the best way to suggest perio treatment to a patient?
I just started my first dental hygiene job, and I’m having a hard time on how to suggest perio treatment and referrals. What’s the...
5 Ways to Reinvigorate Your Career as a Dental Hygienist
Disclosure: We value transparency at Today’s RDH. This article is sponsored content from Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program as part of our sponsored partner program.
For many dental...
Ask Kara RDH: Rumors Being Spread About Work Ethic
I recently graduated from dental hygiene school and will be returning to my hometown to find a job. I’m from a small town with...
Ask Kara RDH: Young Hygienist Doesn’t Scale Thoroughly
Our office has three hygienists; myself, who has been a hygienist for 35 years, my coworker “Lorna” who has been a hygienist 45 years,...
Ergonomics & 360° Dynamic Motion: A review of The Brewer Company’s 135AS & 135JS Series Saddle Stools
Disclosure: We value transparency at Today’s RDH. This review is sponsored content from The Brewer Company as part of our sponsored partner program.
As dental hygienists, we...
Ask Kara RDH: Perio Maintenance Patients not Showing Improvement, SRP Again?
I am a new dental hygienist, licensed for about four months now. I see a lot of patients for periodontal maintenance. My concern with...
Ask Kara RDH: How Often Should I Sharpen My Instruments?
I am a new grad and started full-time at a new office. The hygienist I replaced sharpened her instruments once a month. I feel...
Ask Kara RDH: Other Hygienist Criticizing My Work to Patients and in Chart Notes
I work in an office one day a week. I am a new grad, and this is my first job. We recently hired a...
5 Reasons Why You Might Have Sensitive Teeth
Do you ever experience sharp pain, almost like a lightning bolt hit your tooth, when drinking a cold beverage, eating ice cream, or when...
Ask Kara RDH: Full Mouth Debridement before Prophy
Since I’ve started at this office, I feel I have seen too many FMD patients. Patients that I believe, and have been treatment planned,...
Ask Kara RDH: Co-worker Underdiagnosing & I Have to Explain to Patient
What do you do if you have a patient that’s been coming to the same practice for 15 years as is treated by the...
Ask Kara RDH: Inadequate Instruments when Temping
I am a new grad working as a temp hygienist with an agency. I’m noticing more and more that the offices I’m temping in...
Ask Kara RDH: Student Feeling Overwhelmed with Seeing Patients in Clinic
I'm a student and am just starting seeing patients in clinic. I am having a hard time remembering how to find the correct working...
Ask Kara RDH: Only Polishing Children and Considering It a Child Prophy
My doctor wants to change the protocol in our office for the treatment of children. I’m concerned about the level of care associated with...
Ask Kara RDH: How did you deal with stresses of dental hygiene school?
I’m currently a dental hygiene student in my second semester of my first year. It’s starting to get really tough, and I’m feeling the...
Expand Your Hygiene Career By Thinking Like an Entrepreneur
The question comes up a lot: How do I expand my career outside of the clinical setting?
It is quite difficult to answer this question....
Dr. Esther Wilkins and a Century of Change
Dr. Esther Wilkins
In December 2016, the world of dentistry lost a remarkable and groundbreaking woman, just three days after her 100th birthday. Esther Wilkins,...
Ask Kara RDH: Should I Stay at My Current Office or Move On?
I’m a new grad. When I first was hired, my employer promised me 3-4 days a week, if not more. There are currently two...
5 Infection Control Mistakes to Avoid Part 1
Patient safety and infection control are top priorities for hygienists. Surprisingly, there are many dental offices that do not adhere to the latest safety...
Why Hygienists Should NEVER Treat Patients with Active Oral Herpes
As a dedicated and meticulous dental hygienist, you may find yourself noticing small details that are unnoticed or dismissed by most people. So when a...