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Julie DeCoteau, RDH, BSDH, MSEd

Julie DeCoteau, RDH, BSDH, MSEd
Julie DeCoteau, RDH, BSDH, MSEd, is a graduate of the Forsyth School for Dental Hygienists in Boston, MA. She spent the first 17 years of her dental hygiene career providing dental hygiene care within private practices in 5 states (MA, ME, KS, KY, and IL). Julie then switched gears four years ago and fell in love with public health. She can be reached at juliedecoteau [at] gmail.com.

How to Make a Difference with Refugee Dental Care

The United States, throughout history, has been a refuge for those fleeing countries where the political climate or other circumstances has made living there...

Proper Ergonomics: A Cautionary Tale

We all know that dental hygiene students face a multitude of pressures while in school. Hours upon hours of clinic and classes, focusing on...

5 Reasons to Consider a Career in Public Health

There are numerous online discussion forums devoted to dental hygiene career advice. Many of these discussions focus around “getting out of the operatory” as...