Anaika Forbes-Grant, RDH, BSDH, MSDH
Six Things All Dental Hygienists Should Do When Temping
An amazing thing about being a dental hygienist is the flexibility of our work schedule. Hygienists can choose the days and times to work....
The Side Gig: How Dental Hygienists Can Earn Extra Money Freelancing
According to, nearly half of American employees participate in the gig economy and can potentially earn a monthly income of over $1,000. A...
New Parents: Five Tips Dental Hygienists Should Be Sharing
Being a first-time parent of an infant can be so overwhelming. Parents are faced with sleepless nights, unorthodox feeding schedules, consecutive diaper changes, colic,...
Dental Hygiene Self-Care: How to Protect Your Body and Mind
As health-care providers, dental hygienists perform many functions to serve patients, ranging from preventive care to minor restorative care. But who is taking care...